We proposed the ID-discriminative Embedding (IDE) in [Arxiv 2016] and [ECCV 2016],
Later, we introduced the Part-based Convolutional Baseline (PCB) in [ECCV 2018],
A tiny, friendly, strong baseline [Code]
We studied the domain adaptive re-ID problem. A representatives work is CamStyle [CVPR 2018, TIP 2019],
Generative Models for Discriminative Learning
For style-level domain adaptation, we designed SPGAN for person re-ID [CVPR 2018],
The GAN generated images are effective for discriminative learning.
We proposed DG-net to generate pedestrians with various appearances/structures to augment the real-world data in discriminative learning
[CVPR 2019],
Multi-object Tracking
We designed an efficient MOT system with near real-time performance, named JDE
[Arxiv 2019],
We also studied the inherent difference between re-ID and MTMCT, and proposed the locality aware appearance metric (LAAM)
[Arxiv 2019],
We released the code for CLAN, a category-level alignment method
[CVPR 2019],
We also released our code for MMAN that uses the adversarial loss
[ECCV 2018],